
Thank you Yahoo for visiting our shop

by Edward Hung on Nov 05, 2020

[Comparison of online shopping platforms for sake] Whiskeychill/Sake no Wa/Amall/Chillax/Sake where to choose?

Comparing the 5 shops, Amall and I should be the first to make sake in the same place, ranking 4th, but there is no wild one. It is OK if there are familiar customers who support me!

However, the response points back to me that there are so many out-of-stock websites, I don’t even want to post it. I only make limited editions. I ask myself that I can’t return the sake that was limited to 5 years ago. Remove can be done, but what does this shop think? Each is a record, and at the same time remind everyone that if you don't buy some goods, you really can't buy them back.

In addition to 1, 2, and 3 grains of Zuo Daling, I have many, many Shishidai, Xinzheng, Heilong, and Isoziman. Basically, the best drinking sake is in my place!


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